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{From the 2023 Christmas Newsprint Magazine}

Written by Jordana Turcotte of Simply You

It’s November which means it’s the BIG holiday season. The holiday season seems to be synonymous with STRESS! Even if you don’t “do” holidays, there is a different energy this time of year.  

The season is stressful because there are just so many TO-DOs related to it.  Cards, gifts, decorating, parties, and more.  The best defense against holiday stress is proper planning! 

‘Tis the season for lists. 

I can’t stress how important good lists are.  Not only do they allow you to bring order to all the things in your head but also prevent endless oops.  “Oops I double booked parties,” “oops I forgot a gift for the teacher,” “oops where will the guests sleep now that we have a second desk in the office?”  You get the picture.

These lists (either on your phone in notes or in a small notebook with each page another list) will organize it all.  Here is a sampling of what lists to make: every to-do for the season: people to buy for (remember everyone like service providers and gift exchanges), gatherings you are invited to, gatherings you are hosting (food, to buy, etc.) and anything else that you would benefit having broken up and tasks listed.

A great visual to marry up to these lists is a calendar.  An actual printed piece of paper calendar for both November and December and maybe January if you plan to host something for New Years (it’s ok to have a January gathering if you can’t fit it in in December.)  Then, enter every single event you know of - add school and work events too, and then plan when you want to host anything of your own.  You can also create “events” for yourself related to TO-DOs.  Mark down when you want to decorate, shop, wrap, bake, etc.  Treating your TO-DOs as timed appointments means you may actually get them done in a relaxed manner.  And actually remember to do them!  Also enter order and mail dates for cards and invitations if you plan to do them.  I think formal “in the mail” items like these are sadly going away.  The time and money are contributing to the decline.  Instantly, you can broadcast over social media a family picture and greeting or invite to something you are hosting.  But if you still want to hard mail them, that takes planning and time.

What goes on that master list I mentioned?  It should include everything…really.  Decorating, deep cleaning of each area needed separately listed, time to shop (multiple), ordering cards (2-3 weeks before you want to send), addressing/mailing cards, time to wrap(multiple), yearly dusting in the dining room, etc – all those extra tasks the season generates.  Once this master list is done, you can create sub-lists.  A sub-list may be a menu and to-buy list for one event you are hosting.

Lastly, the cost of it all.  I don’t think anyone wants anyone to go into debt to give them a gift.  Be realistic about who you want to really exchange gifts with.  Then give each person a $ amount that fits in your budget.  Thoughtfully consider in lieu of gifts, giving your time or an experience (can be free) rather than “stuff.”  Examples can be watching a movie together, doing a craft together, a day trip, or if you have a skill – gifting the person that skill/your time.  These will create memories that can last forever.

Remember to ENJOY this season too; set up a lunch with a friend, go see those lights, buy the yearly fancy hot chocolate out, schedule a massage or nail treatment, do a pay it forward through a drive through, journal about what you are grateful for, donate excess.  The season is all about each of these moments – good and busy.

Happy Holidays! I hope they are happy because you planned well!