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Written by Megin Potter  |  Photos Provided Unless Noted

The prefix “self” implies that the action following it is a solitary endeavor, but that’s rarely the case. A “self-made” man does not receive his fortune without someone to buy and sell products or services to. “Self-control,” “self-esteem,” or even “self-aggrandizing” can only be achieved by comparing oneself to others.

The same is true when self-publishing a book – it’s a task that often cannot be completed without the help of someone else.

An Author is Born

Gwendolyn Cristaldi is a self-employed intuitive healer, life coach, and mother of three. In 2020, she decided to write a book of short stories, dreams, and spiritual communications to help others with similar experiences. 

By combining years of journal entries with the notes she’d jot down throughout the day, her book, Uncovering Your Light Within: With Grace and Courage began to take shape. 

“When it started flowing, I just let it unfold. I was amazed by the information that would come,” she said. Invigorated by the creation process, she initially thought the book would be available within months. What she discovered however, was when the work of writing is done, the reality of publishing has just begun.

The Harsh Reality 

To have total creative control of her book, Gwen founded the Baby Emmit Publishing company and opted to print-on-demand. She turned to Reedsy to find an editor and after working with several, a friend recommended Amanda Luke, who completed the final edits. Finally, Gwen had a product to give to her designer, David Provolo. 

“I encourage people to follow their passion. A lot of writers get discouraged by the process but when I set my mind on accomplishing something, I keep going,” said Gwen. “If there’s a hurdle, then I take a break and come back to it when the time is right.”

Gwen joined online self-publishing support groups, learned through trial and error, did more research, and invested even more time.

“I worked morning until night some days – even July 4th weekend when everyone was out playing – because it was something I needed to accomplish,” said Gwen. 

Finding the Light

On July 5th, the Uncovering Your Light Within paperback went live on Amazon, followed by the Kindle format on July 11th. After a short-lived rush of adrenaline resulting from its release, Gwen dove into the hard work of promotion. She reached out to bookstores, newspapers, and paid for Amazon ads. The first month she sold 150 copies.

Still in the midst of the process, Gwen said
self-publishing is something she’d recommend others pursue.

“For anyone thinking about writing a book, I say, just do it.”

To find out more about her book, follow Gwen Cristaldi on Facebook, Instagram, and sign up for her newsletter at